Real-time Inextensible Hair with Volume and Shape


Hair simulation is a common topic extensively studied in computer graphics. One of the many challenges in this field is simulating realistic hair in a real-time environment. In this paper, we propose a unified simulation scheme to consider three of the key features in hair simulation; inextensibility, shape preservation and hair-hair interaction. We use an extension to the Dynamic Follow the Leader (DFTL) method to include shape preservation. Our implementation is also coupled with a Lagrangian approach to address the hair-hair interaction dynamics. A GPU-friendly scheme is proposed that is able to exploit the massive parallelism these devices offer, being able to simulate thousands of strands in real-time. The method has been integrated in a game development platform with a shading model for rendering and several test applications have been developed using this implementation.

In Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica
Héctor Barreiro Cabrera
Héctor Barreiro Cabrera
Ph.D. in Computer Science

Passionate about technology and computing. My research interests include physics-based animation, high-performance computing, rendering, XR and machine learning.